
An office, an office that could be anywhere, in any building, but this one faces a lake. Big windows that welcome sunlight with open arms. A woman, extending that which she has built, over time, through time, with time. She pauses when she needs to think about how to answer a question, she will not continue until it has cemented in her mind. Yet she emanates confidence in these moments where the only sound is of ambient office chatter. Her interrupted speech somehow still continuous. The forging of a connection that may bear fruit, if the roots take. A handshake and a farewell and a man steps out into the open air, into the sunlight, and he is filled, filled with a joy that feels like helium inflating his bones, and he is not sure if he will burst or float away but either would be fine. Grinning, he carries the small triumph with him, a small triumph much needed in a world he has created. 

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