
I spoke in my last post, eons ago, about the ebb and flow of creativity. About how it comes in waves, and how I go through different phases.

I've been in an interesting phase as of late, the first of its kind since I started making art seriously. I'd gone into hibernation. I just wasn't making art. Wanted to, but more important things seemed to continue to stack up in front of me. A best friend's wedding. A new relationship. A job search. It felt odd to put art on the backburner, but I knew that it was something that must happen. A person only has so much time and energy, and my day job often leaves me with little of either. 

During this time, I've put a lot of thought into what is important to me. Is art really important? Is it something that's going to last?

I'm not usually a believer in a new year bringing new things. Time marches forward, it knows no holidays or turns of the year or preferences of men. But nevertheless, 2016 has brought me a steady stream of inspiration. Of motivation. And from this, I feel a momentum. 

I moved out of my art studio to save money. But I've gotten my charcoals out and I've been drawing at the kitchen table. Gone back to my roots, and am feeling good. Feeling positive. Good things to come. 


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